Configuration files

ShowDVI<#274#><#274#> works together with three configuration files. Firstly this is the ``Startup-File''. There, amongst others, the looks of the ShowDVI<#275#><#275#> screen is recorded.

In the other two it is defined where fonts and font libraries are to be found. One of them is in an own ShowDVI<#276#><#276#>/DVIprint<#277#><#277#> format.

The other is in AmigaTEX<#278#><#278#>-format. This is being looked for in the directory <#280#>TeX:pk<#280#>.

Both the private ShowDVI<#281#><#281#>/DVIprint<#282#><#282#> files are searched for in the directory <#283#>TeX:config<#283#>. They do not have to be explicitly there though, this can be set by the environment variable ``<#284#>DVICONFIG<#284#>''. After <#285#>setenv DVICONFIG ram:<#285#> these configuration files are searched for only in the directory <#286#>RAM:<#286#>.

Both definition files abide the same rule: everything after a semicolon is ignored together with the semicolon itself. Besides this, spaces are not allowed in file- or directory names. This goes not only for the definition files, but also for the environment variables.

The AmigaTEXconfiguration file <#287#>fontvols<#287#> is only read then, when a font is not found. The other two are only read once at the start of the program.